academia dreams vol.1
Model: Dania Orellana ︱ Photographer: Shreepad Joglekar
“The goal of the Jacket and Jeans project is to demonstrate sewing skills including tailoring hand sewing methods and the capacity to deliver high-quality custom-made work. The Jeans project was our biggest project in FASH300 and the first time I would be sewing real garments. The Jeans were based on my measurements from the beginning of class, and custom to my own body. As a class, we did various samples of different sewing techniques which we could use for the jacket and jeans themselves. Then, we created a prototype of the jacket and jeans before moving on to the fashion fabric of our choice. For my jacket, I used Italian wool for the shell and cashmere satin for the lining which was the perfect match in weight and feel for this project. For the Jeans, I picked a lightweight and stretchy fabric to make the garment more comfortable to wear. The Jacket and Jeans projects embody the showcase theme of our 150-year Legacy of Excellence and Empowerment through the showcase of craftsmanship taught in this course. Throughout the length of both projects, I was able to problem-solve the sewing obstacles presented and used my resources and knowledge for creative ways to sew the garment.”
— Dania Orellana