Blossom Era

“The designs for this collection are inspired by the Rococo period, and I specifically paid attention to Marie Antoinette's most famous items, which can be seen in well-known photographs like "Chemise a la Reine." I utilized linen for all of my designs because it is a natural cloth created from the flax plant. It is also biodegradable and has a negligible effect on the environment due to its low resource and water requirements. Linen is cool to wear in the heat due to its remarkable durability and ability to absorb body perspiration. I use eco-friendly fabrics and other elements in my designs. I selected linen as the main material because it is a natural fiber made from flax. I created my flats in Illustrator and then imported them into Photoshop to texture map them and give myself more patterning flexibility. After that, I returned to Illustrator to create my final boards. The patterns' motifs, designs, and linen-like look were all created in Illustrator, Photoshop, and Illustrator, respectively.”

— Dania Orellana