“To empower.. is to build confidence and strength.
To empower.. is to speak for those who are not being heard.
To empower.. is to fight for global change, equal opportunity, and a better quality of life.
The Endurance conceptual charrette project embodies “empowerment” by showcasing how African Americans have continued to fight and rise throughout history. Their ancestors and current descendants have endured battles, both physically and mentally, and encountered hateful situations without giving up on their road towards social justice.
By organizing Endurance’s spatial plan through the Black Lives Matter empowerment symbol, users are anticipated to feel weary or uncomfortable to see how African American’s had endured the pain and suffering through times of slavery and oppression. Users are anticipated to feel like an outcast or constrained as African American’s did through times of segregation. Users are anticipated to reflect upon their own role within the scope of social justice and understand why African American’s are advancing social movements today.
Endurance is aimed to educate individuals who do not understand the fight for people of color and to empower everyone towards the path of racial equity. ”